Preconception care. Fertility. Prenatal supplements. Prenatal care.

Planning to Have a Baby?

Are You Looking for a Preconception Care?

Did you know altered diet, exercise, toxin and sleep before/during pregnancy predisposes your child to long term chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure? You can prevent many of these complications by learning, making changes and planning. Get a holistic preconception care!

An ultimate goal of all families when it comes to becoming pregnant is to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. A happy and healthy mother is also as important as. YES! Your body knows how to grow a baby. There are things that we can’t control, like our genetics! But by supporting our body pre-pregnancy and during, we can help our body amplify the good genes and also prevent some preventable complications that may happen during pregnancy.

What does preconception care cover?

  • Environmental exposure and toxins

  • Exercise

  • Pregnancy plan

  • Preventing medical conditions during pregnancy

  • Health and lifestyle review

  • Nutrition review and education

  • Reviewing pregnancy changes

  • Prenatal care review

  • Choosing a birthplace

  • And a lot more!

How do we meet?

  • Meeting is virtual. Appointment might last 60-90 minutes.

  • Payment is per visit.

Why Midwife for Preconception Care?

Midwives are experts in providing holistic care to women before, during and after pregnancy. Your midwife will learn about you and will provide an individualistic care that is appropriate for you. Preconception care is not about risk identification and recommending supplements. Your health, stress, environmental exposure, nutrition and lots of other things affect your pregnancy and your health while pregnant. Your midwife will assess all of this and will work with you so that you can make an informed decision.

What Is A Preconception Care?

More than 45% of pregnancies are unplanned pregnancies! If you are one of those people who wants to get your life in order and you want to know and learn everything before a life is created inside you, this care is for you! Preconception care is a care you receive as you prepare to become pregnant or have a baby. It helps you to be aware of your own health, identify some risks and manage them, learn what being pregnant would look like, how to choose your provider and your birth place and many more things.

Preconception care is for everyone! Whether pregnancy is your first time or not, preconception care is for everyone.

Some pregnancy related complications happen regardless of what we do. But by improving lots of things in our life, we can avoid our chance of premature birth, birth defect, miscarriage and some medical conditions during pregnancy.

Schedule your first Appointment!